sheepdogowner avatar


There is no safe, she realizes after praying for months that her unborn child would be. There were no answers, even the Pope now said that birth control
was permissible. Nothing was the way it should be anymore no matter how
often she bowed her head in prayer, no matter what she promised. She wanted to believe there could be miracles, and when the baby came, his head so small, his arms twisted, she gave him a name and kissed him, his
dark eyes with a distant look. When he was gone, she left him, that others
might be saved.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    This is a sad, well-told story. Tragic.

  • avatar

    Iarwain Olofsson over 8 years ago

    That's a very controversial topic, for people of all ages.

    And you handled it extremely well.

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