sheepdogowner avatar


It began with expletives from the other room. "Grab the hairdryer!" He had been cleaning the aquarium and been stung. This was not the first time
the lion fish's open display of pectoral fins had accidentally brushed against his hand. "Damn it!" he was soothing the area with heat. "It cost me a fortune!
It eats all my fish. More money, and then this! Again! I'm done!" He got rid of it. The lion fish was beautiful, the red and white stripes like a modern piece of art. It swam into the reef, ate a shrimp and found a mate.

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    I'm with the lion fish! Beauty and natural instinct belong in their natural habitat. I like how you source your stories from the news. I must try that strategy a bit more myself.

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