shapeshifter avatar

Behind The Pane #43


The giant man grabbed the beer from Stan and quickly drank it down. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, threw a coin on the bar and then turned and started back for the door.

Is that it? Stan thought.

"Don't you want another beer?" he asked meekly.

The man turned as he got to the saloon doors.

"No time! Haven't you heard? Big Joe's a-comin'!"

Stan's eyes widened.

Oh well. I suppose it's all about perspective. One man's giant is another man's dwarf.

Join us next time when we find another window and see what's happening...behind the pane.

9 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    Hehehe! (Yup... but it’s a long long time since I first heard that one.) Excellent!

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    Christopher about 2 months ago

    Thanks, Neville. Yeah, something reminded me of an old story I heard. Same premise except it was a guy being paid to stay in a haunted house overnight.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    Oooooo! Tell us more!

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    Christopher about 2 months ago

    He was paid to stay in a house to prove it wasn't haunted. At every hour some weird creature would show up at the door and ask "Are you gonna be here when John gets here?" They got progressively bigger and scarier until finally at midnight the biggest, scariest one of all showed up and asked that same question. The guy replied, "Man, if you ain't John I'm outta here!"

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    Haha! I can visualise it! Thanks Christopher!

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    Michael D. Brooks about 1 month ago

    Great read! All I’ve got to say is Stan’s the man. He’s a bigger man to stick around waiting for Joe. Imagine how lucrative his business will get when word gets around that Joe didn’t show.

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    Christopher about 1 month ago

    Hehe! Thanks, Michael.

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    Jamie Clapperton 9 days ago

    Everyone in the coffee place I'm sitting in just heard me laugh out loud Christopher. 😂

  • avatar

    Christopher 8 days ago

    Hehe. Thanks, Jamie.

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