shapeshifter avatar

Behind The Pane #42


Just then the entirety of the saloon door opening was blocked by a gigantic figure. Stan wiped his ever-moistening brow with the bar towel. The saloon doors were pushed open and a giant man stepped in. His footsteps sounded like tombstones falling down onto the saloon's wooden floor.

As he approached the bar Stan gulped. He was the biggest man Stan had ever seen. He didn't even see how a man could grow that big.

When the man spoke his voice sounded like a tornado tearing across the plains.

"Gimme a beer. Make it fast!" he said.

Stan nodded...

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    (I’ve not looked, but I have an idea what might be a coming🤔)

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    Michael D. Brooks about 1 month ago

    “His footsteps sounded like tombstones falling down onto the saloon's wooden floor.”

    “When the man spoke his voice sounded like a tornado tearing across the plains.”

    Great imagery! Love it.

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    Christopher about 1 month ago

    Thanks, Michael. I like that kind of writing. I grew up reading Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe novels and he was a master at that style of writing.

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