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Behind The Pane #38


"How about you go to work for me?" Sam asked. "You can make enough to get your car repaired and then get back on the road for Hollywood. It'd just be temporary. You'd really help me out."

The girl smiled.

As one waitress gets back on the road and resumes her journey towards her dreams another takes a detour and winds up at Sam's. Oh well, maybe the stranger in the mirrored sunglasses will be back in another fifteen years.

Join us again next time when we find another window and take a look at what's happening... behind the pane.

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    It's working Christopher! Happy and sad too... I guess like life itself!

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    Christopher about 2 months ago

    Thanks for reading, Neville. I've got an idea for the third one I just haven't stopped to write it yet. The setting was suggested by my niece.

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