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Behind The Pane #17


"But don't worry about the other 25 grand, honey. You see, I'm about to come into a couple of million dollars."

He put a bullet each between Linda's and Robbie's eyes in quick succession.

The house on Torquent Street went up for sale shortly after as Brad, aka The Dispatcher, retrieved the two million dollars and fled the country, settling in the Maldives.

Happily ever after for him, but not Linda. Oh, well. The vows did say 'til death do them part.

Join us next time when we find another window and take a look at what's... behind the pane.

5 comments add one below

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    Christopher 2 months ago

    I need a little feedback. Is this a good format? Short, episodic stories with the theme of looking through a window at what's going on inside?

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    Neville Hunt 2 months ago

    Cool! Love it! The format works well, although you might need a different through the window twist in each as it might become too obvious, which it didn’t this time around. Over here we have lots of Scandi dramas and my wife and I always get freaked out when there are big picture-windows with no curtains to keep prying eyes out! Eeeek!

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    Christopher 2 months ago

    Oh yeah, the story will be different each time, just told from the perspective of looking through a window. The second one is finished and ready to go, but I was waiting until someone read this one before I posted it. Thanks, Neville.

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    Neville Hunt 2 months ago

    Sorry it took me so long. It’s been a very, very busy time recently. I’ve been twisting arms to take ads in the 2024 Kimpton Folk Festival programme... and then for at least six of them to write and produce the ads for them ready for printing. It’s a great and growing folk music festival, particularly if you like folk music (which I generally don’t at all; it’s rock, punk and indy that’s in my soul!). On the day I’m also the MC for half of the main outdoor stage programme ... introducing folk I’ve never heard of!

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    Christopher 2 months ago

    Yeah, I don't care for folk either.

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