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Behind The Pane #1


1400 Torquent Street
Jackson, Wyoming

An idyllic, two-story home nestled quietly in a thicket of quaking aspen trees on a street with sporadic houses dotting the way into town. But this house is beckoning. Let's ease our way up the driveway, peer in the window and see what's happening behind the pane.

Meet Linda Perkins, 39-year-old housewife with just a touch of gray threading through her thick, blond hair. Her figure hasn't changed much since high school. Ah, high school. She looks back at that time most fondly.

And she looks back at that time a lot...

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher 2 months ago

    I envisioned this as an anthology tv series where each week the camera would zoom in toward a window and the narrator would tell about what was happening on the other side of the glass. Sounds like a cool format for a tv show but I don't know whether or not it will make an engaging drabble series.

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    Neville Hunt 2 months ago

    Sounds an interesting format, Christopher. I’ve just come up for air and will crack on reading tomorrow as I’ve done 5 hours driving today heading to and from my school reunion....

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    Christopher 2 months ago

    I'm sure there will be some school reunion related drabbles soon.

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