shapeshifter avatar


I cannot see her anymore
She's just not like she was before
The change it shook me to my core
Now that Stella is a fella

I tried to see beyond the skin
And find the beauty held within
But that's a game I couldn't win
Now that Stella is a fella

Could time have changed the way I felt?
And caused my iciness to melt?
Well, not with what's below the belt
Now that Stella is a fella!

This destroyed our matrimony
Since my gal's become a phony
And so I'm seeking alimony
Now that Stella is a fella!

5 comments add one below

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    The rhythm of the first verse is slightly off with the rest because I was a couple of words short and had to add them somewhere.

  • avatar

    Christopher 3 months ago

    I've edited it and now I think the rhythm of it is correct in each verse.

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    Neville Hunt 2 months ago

    Your rhythms are working well
    But I share your concerns about Stell
    That was a bit of a shock
    (I wonder if he’s got a... rhyme?)

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    Christopher 2 months ago

    Thanks, Neville. A bit of silliness inspired by something random I said at a family get-together.

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    I almost missed the 'alimony' because now Stella was a phoney... and a bloke (who tend to be the ones tapped for alimony... except for my neighbour, whose missus ran off leaving him with two kids)

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