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And Now A Word From Our Sponsor #54


Howdy, friends. I'm Hugh Jass, owner and operator of Hugh Jass Pizza. You know, sometimes a product is so good the name becomes synonymous with what it is. People say "I want a Coke" even if the soda they're ordering isn't made by Coca-Cola.

Well, now my name has become synonymous with pizza. Someone will see a pizza and say, "Man, look at that Hugh Jass!" Or they'll say, "I could really use a Hugh Jass right now."

So, friends, the next time you have a craving for something deliciously hot, try sinking your teeth into a Hugh Jass!

6 comments add one below

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    I can't believe I haven't done a sponsor drabble in over a year. Other than Jake Randolph, these are my favorite things to write on here.

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    VerityAlways 3 months ago

    Craving a pesto base!! fantastic, Christopher

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    Thanks, Verity.

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    Neville Hunt 3 months ago

    Reminds me that the weather's been so bad over here this year that I still haven't got my pizza oven out of the shed yet. That must change! Thanks for the reminder Hugh.

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    Thanks for reading, Neville.

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    Neville Hunt 3 months ago

    Also reminds me of another Hugh. Hugh Jampton.

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