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Lance, 14, walked into the kitchen and asked his father, "Dad, what's it like to be married?"

His father shook his head, "I don't have time for this right now."

"Oh okay," Lance replied and turned to exit the kitchen.

"Wait, where are you going? Why did you turn your back on me?"

"You said you didn't have time to tell me."

"Stop yelling at me!" his father replied.

"I'm not yelling I was just trying to explain..."

"How dare you!"

"How dare me what?!" Lance asked, exasperated.

His father smiled, "Now you know what it's like to be married!"

5 comments add one below

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    Michael D. Brooks 4 months ago


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    Christopher 4 months ago

    Thanks, Michael.

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    Neville Hunt 3 months ago

    Christopher... if you were a married man, I would suggest you’d be on very thin ice, or shaky ground or walking on quicksand with this cleverly executed drabble. But unless while you were away you took a wife, you just got away with it!😂

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    No, but I did take someone else's wif..., but that's another story! And thanks.

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    Neville Hunt 3 months ago

    Oh! Another story eh, Christopher? Pray tell all!

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