shapeshifter avatar

The Problem Solver #3


The Reverend Hugo Cherub was a televangelist with a multimillion dollar ministry. He wore gold chains and rings, drove a BMW, and lived in a mansion. He bragged about being God's right-hand man.

He also molested every child in his congregation and had a deacon killed who'd discovered how much money he'd stolen from the collection plate. The deacon's wife hired me to hasten his trip to Hell.

The Sunday service started. He took a drink from the water pitcher I'd poisoned earlier that morning and fell on the pulpit.

Now it was God's turn to deal with him.

11 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    Eau, eau, eau!😂🤣😂 Le breuvage du Diable! Devilishly cunning plan. Send him down!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    Love the title btw, Christopher!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    I really like these Problem Solver drabbles.

  • avatar

    Christopher 11 months ago

    Thanks, Neville. I thought the title was a pun worthy of you. And it was inspired by me commenting on one of your drabbles the other day and talking about my alter ego Dick Hedd.

    I like this series too. I'll keep doing them as long as I can keep coming up with people that deserve to get paid a visit by the Problem Solver.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    I’m sure you can come up with plenty of deserving cases!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    On a different subject, Christopher, I hope you have not been affected by the recent hurricane that has hit Florida so badly🤞

  • avatar

    Christopher 11 months ago

    Thanks for the concern, but I'm okay. We haven't even gotten any rain from it. It hit the inside corner of Florida and then headed up the east coast. We're west of it, so we were good. I feel so bad for that section of Florida, though. They got hammered.

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    Brian Mackinney 11 months ago

    Keep them coming Christopher

  • avatar

    Christopher 11 months ago

    Thanks, Brian. Will do.

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    Michael Cunliffe 8 months ago

    Hope it wasn't a 'bleach of the Priest'? [Breach of the Peace].

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 8 months ago

    Michael... a very worthy grooooan!

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