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Requiem For A Stripper #370


"It's easy when you can set them up to be killed by your cop friend," I said in a sarcastic tone.

There was a pause and then Harrigan said, "I'm sorry, Jake. I didn't really mean that."

"Forget it," I said. "Did you ever identify the body found in Elysian Park?"

"Oh, yeah. That was Candy Apple."

"So, the only things that haven't been found are Barb Winston's and Honey Comb's bodies."

"If Madame Fruitcake killed Barb it'll turn up eventually. But Romero was pretty sharp. I think he'd have disposed of Honey's body in a permanent way," he said...

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    One’s faith in the Fuzz is failing. But then round here recently, your fictional fables are finding factualness as foul felons in the Force have forced themselves upon fair fillies, had their fill then finished them offfff! Policing in freefall as force takes on a sinister reality. And it seems to show no signs of f-ing stopping!

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    Christopher 11 months ago

    Hehe! You'd have to alliterate not to understand that!

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    Neville Hunt 11 months ago


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    Christopher 11 months ago

    Be alliterate, I meant. I guess you understood the joke I was making.

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