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Requiem For A Stripper #367


"Well, well. You took your time, didn't you, Harrigan?"

"Quit squawking, Randolph. You're still alive, aren't ya?"

"Is she dead?" I asked.

Harrigan knelt down and checked her pulse.

"Yep. Did you plan this, Randolph?"

"What d'you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you didn't have enough evidence to get Linda for trying to kill you. So you set her up to be killed by me? Justifiable homicide?"

"Jim, d'you really think I'd do something like that?"

"I wonder sometimes, Randolph. I wonder."

"That hurts, Harrigan."

But it did wrap up the case with a nice neat bow on top of it...

6 comments add one below

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    Christopher 11 months ago

    There's still a little more but I thought it was a little too much for one night, so we'll have one more night to go.

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    Christopher 11 months ago

    And I wondered about what Harrigan was wondering about too. Maybe I don't know Jake as well as I think I do. And that's not the first time that's happened, so there may be something to what Harrigan was thinking.

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    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    Maybe! It was a good way to resolve the Linda problem. I reckon that Harrigan’s still going to take a while to get over Romero’s fall from grace. Perhaps it will make him more cautious in whom he puts his faith🥴? Despite Jakey’s trail of death and destruction, he might be the one person to trust? But of course he’ll never show it!

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    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    A nicely wrapped finale, Christopher...Thanks a lot!... although the final curtain has yet to fall!

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    Neville Hunt 11 months ago

    I’m still hoping that Mindy gets her comeuppance🤞I can’t think how... but maybe someone will rub her out because she knows too much🤔

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    Christopher 11 months ago

    All will be revealed tonight.

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