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Requiem For A Stripper #357


After a moment Harrigan composed himself enough to ask, "Did they all die in the fire?"

"Not exactly," I said. "Schmidt did, but Romero shot and killed Horace Busby and then I shot Romero."

He didn't seem surprised by that.

"What was Horace Busby doing there?" he asked.

"Looking for Minga, who he believed was responsible for his sister's death."

"Was Minga there?"

I shook my head, "He wasn't a member of the club. Just supplied the girls."

"So," Harrigan said trying to wrap his head around it, "The main one that deserved to die is Minga. And he didn't."

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    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    No, no, no Harrigan! Minga’s just a pussycat... and a minger... and I kinda like him😬

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