shapeshifter avatar

Requiem For A Stripper #269


I walked to a gas station and went inside. I saw the guy behind the counter, a skinny little man with red hair done in a flat top style. He was wearing a yellow shirt and I swear he looked like a giant pencil.

"You got a phone?" I asked.

"In the corner, Mac."

I called a cab and then grabbed a bottle of Pepsi.

"8 cents," he said, ringing it up on the cash register.

"Are you serious?"

"5 for the drink. 3 cent deposit on the bottle. Bring the bottle back and you get your 3 cents back."

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher 9 months ago

    This brought back memories when I was writing it. I don't know if you had glass deposit soda bottles in the UK back in the day, but when I was a kid we'd go around gathering up discarded Coke and Pepsi bottles and take them to a local gas station. If we were lucky we'd get enough money to buy a comic book! I had to research, though, to find out what the monetary values of it were in 1948.

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    Neville Hunt 9 months ago

    Yep, we had it here too. Returnable bottles... makes cents!😁

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