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Requiem For A Stripper #228


"Don't read too much into it, Jake. Leave your conspiracy theory about a secret club of elites out of this. It's just a murder case."

I wanted to tell him that secret club of elites that he didn't believe existed was meeting in Nichols Canyon the following night, but I didn't have any evidence on them yet. It's not a crime to have a party.

"Yeah, you're right, Jim. Just a murder case."

"Good man," Harrigan said. "Now, come on. I'm about to knock off and I'll buy you an early supper."

"Just not at the Bluebird Diner. Please, Harrigan."

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher 9 months ago

    And conspiracy theory, although overused in modern day language, actually traces back to the late 1800's. It didn't start getting widely used, though, until the US government used it in the mid-1960s to discredit people who were questioning the official narrative of JFK's assassination.

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    Neville Hunt 9 months ago

    Harrigan’s Getting generous in his old age!

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    Christopher 9 months ago

    Well, I felt bad about the argument they had earlier and I didn't want the story to end with them on a sour note.

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