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Requiem For A Stripper #53


"By the way," she said, "my name is Linda Erickson. I run Hoofers."

She stuck her hand out. I kissed it, I don't know why. But she seemed impressed. I thought I might be able to butter her up and get some information.

"Well, aren't you a charming man?" she said.

"It's been mentioned before. It's only outshined by my humbleness."

She laughed out loud.

"Now," I said, "how much for a course of dancing lessons?"

"Back to business, huh? Okay, it's $35 for a course of four lessons."

I nodded, "That seems reasonable. I would like to sign up."

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher 10 months ago

    I also researched the cost of dance lessons. I couldn't get a number for 1948 but I saw the price in an ad several years earlier and one several years later and just kind of went between that. It seems like $35 would be a lot for dance lessons in '48 but that was pretty much partway between the figures that I saw.

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    Neville Hunt 10 months ago

    I rest my case!

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