shapeshifter avatar


Everyone was excited when it was discovered that sometime in the future mankind learned how to send electronic messages back to the past via the internet. It was lifechanging for people, warning them about plane crashes and auto accidents.

I didn't think I'd ever get one. I'm not particularly interested in knowing what's coming. Then today I got an email from myself 10 years in the future.

It simply said, "Do NOT invite the blonde you'll meet in Vegas to live with you. She'll ruin your life."

I always was lousy at remembering dates. She moved in two weeks ago.

13 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    I suppose when his future self realized it didn't work he could've just checked the dates and then sent the email again. Or maybe it's incredibly expensive. Or maybe I'm putting way too much thought into this.

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    Jeff Taylor almost 2 years ago

    It's called causality. It had to happen in order for you to send the email. Preventing a paradox and teaching you a lesson not to mess with time. :)

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    It's a shame. I wish I could send my younger self an email to avoid some of the mistakes I made.

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    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    And thanks for reading, Jeff.

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    Brian Mackinney almost 2 years ago

    Just stages of development. 2 weeks is a long time.

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    Neville Hunt almost 2 years ago

    A terrific drabble Christopher... certainly makes one think! But I tend to think that the mistakes we make make the triumphs more triumphant! I definitely think there is development potential for a series there!
    I love the time warp concept, which I accidentally touched upon with my last drabble. And this morning (as it is here) on a stopover stay en route to Devon, I’ve been wondering about how the McBrevity could develop as a story. I worried a bit about bad taste re his memory, but then realised that he would heartily applaud it if he were still here... so maybe...

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    I think he'd appreciate it.

    I thought about your last drabble when this idea popped in my head.

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    And thanks, Neville.

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    Jeff Taylor almost 2 years ago

    Christopher, it was a great drabble. Causality's a bitch, *then* you time travel! ;)

    Neville, I'm sure if he was still here he'd want you to keep going. Just because he's not here anymore doesn't mean you should stop. Keep going.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 2 years ago

    Thanks guys! Steve would definitely have seen the funny side of it! I think I might open that spam email purporting to be from him to see what it says. I won’t of course click any links, but it might just give me inspiration for a short series. Having just finished reading a book, I decided to bring on holiday an anthology my brothers and I and some family members published a few years ago and read it afresh, expecting some deep gulps as I read my earlier work. But the three stories I included seem better than my more recent stuff. I’m not sure if that’s reassuring or not🥴. Maybe must do better!

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    Thanks, Jeff.

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    VerityAlways almost 2 years ago

    Nice one, Christopher!

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    Thanks, Verity.

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