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Random Thoughts #1


Here is what I want on my tombstone: “Start digging! I’m not dead yet!”

I was thinking of starting a campaign to stamp out apathy, but then I figured what was the point?

If “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players,” does that mean those of us without union cards are scabs?

Rome wasn’t built in a day. A job like that takes at least a week.

I need to take my anxiety pill but I’m afraid I’ll choke on it.

If it rains cats and dogs, then what is drizzle? Kittens and puppies?

6 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Richard Hunt about 2 years ago

    Really excellent. Well done. My kind of thoughts exactly!

  • avatar

    Richard Hunt about 2 years ago

    “Light snowfall” so what is ‘dark’ snowfall … black?
    Heavy rain … deuterium oxide? Tritium oxide perhaps.

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    Christopher about 2 years ago

    More great random thoughts! Thanks, Richard.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 2 years ago

    Spot on Christopher! I’m whelmed.

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 years ago

    Thanks, Neville. Seemed like a good candidate for a potential series, an "anything goes" repository.

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    Neville Hunt about 2 years ago

    Yes please, Christopher! More!

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