shapeshifter avatar

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor #51


Wooney Tunes Wecords pwoudwy pwesents Elmer Fudd Sings The Beatles!

"Penny Wane thewe is a bawber showing photogwaphs of evewy head he's had the pweasure to know..."

Thwill to those exciting tunes of the past!

"We all wive in a Yewwow Submawine, Yewwow Submawine, Yewwow Submawine..."

The hits just keep on coming!

"She was a Day Twipper, Sunday dwiver, yeah..."

More cwassics!

"Pictuwe youwself in a boat on a wiver, with tangewine twees and mawmawade skies, somebody calls you, you answer quite swowwy, the giwl with kaweidoscope eyes... Wucy in the sky with diamonds..."

Quantities wimited! Act fast! Order now!

10 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Jamie Clapperton about 2 years ago

    The last one would be the best version of 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ' since William Shatners! ' Thanks for the laugh. ;-)

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 years ago

    Thanks, Jamie. This came to me overnight, and I'm glad I remembered it the next morning.

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    Neville Hunt about 2 years ago

    Weally bwilliant Cwistophew! Mowe pwease!

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 years ago

    Thanks, stranger! I was starting to get concerned that you had left us.

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    Neville Hunt about 2 years ago

    Hi Christopher. No, I’ve been away on a couple of small holidays although I’m needing to drag my mojo back. I’ve just signed up to do a workshop on drabbling at a local Living Theatre outdoor theatre in our village. Hopefully it will get me started again with a vengeance🤞My current enthusiasm for our daily family Wordle competition has shown that the mojo’s still around somewhere🙂

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 years ago

    I hope we can get things moving around here again. It's been a bit quiet lately.

    By the way, at your request, I did another Fudd dwabble.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 2 years ago

    Gee thanks Cwistophew... I look forward to weeding it!

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 years ago


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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Fun and i have this crazy idea of doing a ctrl H on Killer's document or presentation

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 years ago

    Thanks, Verity. I wrote this and the other one on my phone and autocorrect made it take twice as long to finish it!

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