shapeshifter avatar

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor #50


Now here's a word from Imen Helle, owner of Helle Toupée...

"Losing your hair isn't fun. It isn't pleasant. In fact, it's hell.

"Here at Helle Toupée we can customize a skull rug that you'll be proud to wear. It's made from your own hair: arms, legs, back, pubes, any place we can get it. And they're practically undetectable. Extensive tests were done in bars and nightclubs. Out of 100 women only 3 correctly identified the toupée, and only one woman thought it was a beaver making love to the man's head.

"Remember, when you start going bald...there's Helle Toupée!"

5 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    Well, that's my 50th sponsor drabble. I started those back in 2015.

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    Brian Mackinney over 2 years ago

    I’ve still got my own rug

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    Thanks, Brian. I opted for just shaving my head when mine started going.

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    Enjoyed this!
    Congratulations on the 50th! Here's to 50 more!!

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    Thanks, Verity. I'll always do these.

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