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Berserko the Clown


Berserko the Clown sat waiting for his interview. It was for a cushy gig at an amusement park. He saw one of his rivals, Lamo the Clown, being interviewed ahead of him.

What a joke, he thought. He can't even make balloon animals.

The interviewer yelled "Next!" as Lamo walked by Berserko and grinned.

Berserko handed the lady his resumé.

"Well, Mr. Berserko, your resumé is impressive. Tell me...what do you think is your biggest character flaw?"

"I'm too honest," Berserko said.

"I don't think honesty is a character flaw."

"I don't give a shit what you think, lady."


5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    VerityAlways about 3 years ago

    Welcome back Berserko, the clever clown
    Thanks for the laugh!

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    Christopher about 3 years ago

    Thanks, Verity.

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    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago

    Hahaha! Gotta love that Berserko! I guess his mum must have loved him too!

  • avatar

    Christopher about 3 years ago

    Thanks, Neville. I kind of like him too.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago

    Me too!

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