shapeshifter avatar

The Eternal Night #241


I could tell Roxie wasn't in the mood for any extra curricular activities any more so I asked if she just wanted to go home and she said yes. I couldn't believe she'd gotten so upset about that. Those kids needed a good scaring and I gave it to them. If she couldn't see that then it was too bad for her.

I went home and crashed into bed. I wondered if I would even see Roxie again. That seemed to be the story of my life.

I just could not seem to keep a woman around for very long...

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Extra cUrricular activities?

    Shame Jake... you’ve blown it again.

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    I thought that looked wrong but I didn't get an error. Funny how it will change things I don't want changed and not change things that need to be changed. I'll fix it. Thanks.

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    Yeah, like he said, story of his life.

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