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The Eternal Night #188


I said, "So, you're not the Jack Salem that's in the California State Senate?"

He grinned, "No, but I get that all the time. I must say I have traded on that name to get a better table in a restaurant!'

He laughed more than what would be considered appropriate.

"Well, My name is Jacob Randall and I'd like to get some headshots for my cousin here...uh, Herbert."

Mason looked at me funny.

"Headshots, huh? Is Herbert an actor?" he asked.

"Yes," Mason said, "I majored in Drama in college, and I did several off-Broadway plays in New York."

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Please excuse and ignore the addendum to my comment on your next drabble (#189). When I clicked the series title to read them in sequence, there was no #188! Odd!

    Herbert... I bet Mason loved that!

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Aha! The series title is not the same, which explains the above! This one’s billed as The Littlest Client.

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    Damnit! That pops up in the series section as well as The Eternal Night and I must've clicked the wrong one! I'll fix it. Thanks for the heads up.

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