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Autocorrect Nightmares #6


A text conversation between an employee and his boss...

Employee: Sorry, boss. I'll be a bit late. There was an accident on the freeway and traffic is at a standstill.

Boss: You're fired.

Employee: WHAT?!! I know I'm late quite frequently but this isn't my fault! You know what? You can take that lousy job, roll it up real tight, and shove it up your fat ass, you balding sack of shit!

Boss: That was supposed to be "You're fine," but you know what? Let's leave it as it stands.

Employee: Hey, I was only kidding.

Employee: Boss?

Employee: Boss?

11 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher over 3 years ago

    I'm having to revisit an old series to get inspiration for new drabbles. Some more oldies may pop up before this drought is over.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    Hehe! This is a great series Christopher. The concept lends itself to a host of miscommunication... and you get the satisfaction of giving two fingers to autobloodycorrect!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    Good title too!

  • avatar

    Christopher over 3 years ago

    Thanks, Neville. I haven't had much inspiration lately.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    Me too! But we’ve just got back from a tough week’s holiday (a long story!) and the weather has improved markedly, as has my enthusiasm (which is normally my greatest asset).

  • avatar

    Christopher over 3 years ago

    I'm sure there are some drabbles in that tough week's holiday!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    There certainly are. My last ‘Fishy...’ drabble was one such. And on Friday, the morning we left, this most beautiful, classy resort, famous for wonderful crabs, which we love, had a final sting in its tail. That will be my next, of a short series to cauterise my wounds!

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    Jamie Clapperton over 3 years ago

    This does strike a chord with me Christopher ;-) Though I'm more likely to put my foot in it with colleagues than management.

  • avatar

    Christopher over 3 years ago

    Thanks, Jamie.

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    VerityAlways about 3 years ago

    Your humor drabbles are really good. Lot to learn !!

  • avatar

    Christopher about 3 years ago

    Thanks, Verity. Humor is what I love the most.

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