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And Now A Word From Our Sponsor #44


Here's political pundit Flip Flopper to speak for

"Voting used to be a real drag. You had to stand in line to register, then stand in line to vote. Worst of all, you could only vote once. Now, thanks to a virus from China, we're making voting a snap. Log-on to, print out a ballot, fill it out in your home with zero supervision, and send it to us in the mail.

"A lot of corrupt politicians gave their central nervous systems to give you the right to vote as many times as your conscience lets you!"

5 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    I’d laugh if there wasn’t a real fear that dirty tricks really will be employed and a cartoon character of a candidate might be re-elected! I wonder what Dick Hedd would think of it all? (He might’ve made a better candidate.)

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    Wow. I must've really written that in a non-partisan way because my take was the exact opposite! I was talking about the Democrats using mail-in ballots to steal the election. There are news stories popping up everywhere here about local Democrats all over the country throwing out mail-in Republican ballots, ballot harvesting, all sorts of shenanigans. But at least I was able to write it in a neutral way!

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    The other story we're hearing is that if you have a family that has both Republican and Democrat voters under the same roof, they're getting one Republican ballot sent to the home, but the voters that are Democrats get multiple ballots sent to the same person there.

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    One more thing. That's not an endorsement of one side or the other. I hate politics. I just want the process to be fair.

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    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    Over here, we don’t (or at least me...) really understand the US election, but we’re terrified either way! We care though... Mr Scary vs Mr Who?. It seems like a total farce... but frighteningly, it’s not!

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