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The Littlest Client #175


"How in the hell did you get Whistling Eddie to help you? That guy would charge his own mother for a ride to the airport."

"Aristotle convinced him."

Harrigan chuckled, "Now that I can believe."

"They should be at Eddie's flower shop by 8. I'll go get Max and we can all meet there. Then I'm supposed to call Gallagher and find out where the meet is."

"I better call the precinct..." Harrigan said.

"No!" I yelled, cutting him off. "Gallagher said he has ears in the L.A.P.D. If he gets word I've talked to the cops then Katie's dead."

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 4 years ago

    Boy, Jake really is earning his dollar today!

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    Christopher about 4 years ago

    Yeah. He's actually taken cases for less than that, believe it or not. I think the whole Bourbon On The Rocks story he didn't get paid anything, if I'm remembering right.

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