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The Littlest Client #164


"Jake, what are we going to do about the jewels? I don't have them anymore."

I looked at my watch. It was just after 5 pm. My bank was closed. I had the money to buy an assortment of jewels that we could use as replacements for the ones Max sold. But now I was going to have to come up with an alternative plan.

"I know someone I can see. Drive to Pico Boulevard. You'll have to take a taxi back to Nelson's apartment."

The man I had to see was a no-good weasel known as Whistling Eddie...

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    Eddie's making a return appearance.

    By the way, I finished the story tonight. So it's just a matter of getting it all posted now.

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    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    I thought I recognised that no-good weasel. Let’s hope he can whistle up a solution.🤞

    Well done finishing it. You’re putting me to shame, Christopher!

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    Yeah, I'm waiting for the return of Fedelta!

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    But I'll definitely have to have another one of those recap drabbles to bring me up to speed. I remember a lot of it but I could use a refresher.

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