shapeshifter avatar

The Littlest Client #148


"My name is Ian O'Sullivan and I'm the proprietor of this fine establishment. Now, what can I help you with?"

He had a grin that spread across his face like a barbed-wire fence. You know, the kind of fence that won't obstruct the view but could do some serious damage if you try to cross it without extreme caution.

But I didn't have time for caution.

"I need to see Duncan Gallagher," I said, without a grin.

The countenance of his face changed to a man who'd just had a rabid hedgehog stuffed down the front of his trousers...

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    No beating about his bush!

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    Haha! It made me wince when I typed that. My niece has one as a pet so I've seen them up close and that's a rather unpleasant thought.

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