shapeshifter avatar

The Littlest Client #133


Dolan looked up at me and said, "Can you do it?"

"What?" I asked incredulously. "I only kill in self defense, Dolan. I'm not a hired murderer."

Nelson said, "I know someone. Maybe we could get the money up. He's not cheap but..."

"Wait a minute, are you talking about hiring a hit man?!" I asked.

Nelson nodded.

"Nelson, you need to shut up for the rest of this conversation. Understand?"

He nodded again.

"Max, killing Gallagher is out of the question. Unless it's in self defense."

Dolan looked at me and smiled.

I think I'd found a way out...

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  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 4 years ago

    Intriguing! But I guess I’ll have to wait!

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