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The Littlest Client #128


Dolan just sat there and didn't say anything. He sure had aged in the nine years since that picture Katie had showed me of him holding her as a baby. His face was creased, he had dark ruts under both eyes, and his rather bushy brown hair was not only starting to recede but also to show threads of silver weaving what would soon be a considerable blanket of snow on the top of his head.

More than anything, he just looked incredibly sad and pathetic. Normally I would say he got what he deserved.

But Katie didn't deserve this...

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    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    No she didn’t! She’s a sweet, if determined, little girl. How can she be related to such a scumbucket as Dolan? I guess her late mum must have been a saint to have compensated for him in the genes department.

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