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The Littlest Client #73


I climbed quickly out of the dumpster as the man got into the car. I ran toward it but he rolled the window down and fired at me as he drove away. I hit the asphalt and rolled as yet another hot piece of lead decided that tonight wasn't my night to go and zoomed past me.

The car's tires screeched as the man drove off into the otherwise quiet L.A. night. I got the license plate number but didn't know how much help that would be.

I saw the man. He was older, but it was definitely Max Dolan...

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    So it was Dolan dolin’ it out, but I wanted him to be a goodie (well, goodie-ish!) for the sake of lovely little Katie! ☹️

    Another cliffhanger! My fingers are slowly giving out. Help!

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    Well, looks can be deceiving, don't forget. The plot of this story has changed about three times since I started. And the planned ending has changed and may change again before I'm done. I've learned that nothing is chiseled in stone when it comes to writing these.

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    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    Excellent! And that makes it exciting!

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    Christopher over 3 years ago

    It's certainly nerve-wracking, Drew. This one changed more than any of the others, the middle and the ending that I had planned changed several times.

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