shapeshifter avatar

The Littlest Client #38


"I...I can't tell you that. He'll kill me! After Donovan, Richmond and I showed back up without the jewels he did this to me!"

He snatched at his shirt until all the buttons popped off and opened it. He had scars and burn marks all over the front of his chest.

"Good God," I said as I looked at it. Whomever did this was a sadist. I didn't blame Rucksack for not wanting to tell me. But I had to know.

He continued, "Donovan and Richmond didn't get off any easier. He thought we were lying about the jewels."


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    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    Yeah! Who?... you don’t know what Jakey might do to you... might be far worse than them thar burns!

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