shapeshifter avatar

The Littlest Client #36


"So what happened?" I asked.

"He-he-he rabbited. We...we started chasing him and the guy ran his car right into a brick wall!"

"Did he die?" I asked.

"Yeah, he died!" the guy yelled like I was an idiot for even asking.

"Did you get the case full of jewels?"

"Yeah, and then the car exploded. We-we-we all went flying. It's a miracle we weren't killed."

"Did you get away with the jewels?" I asked.

"M-m-m-max took 'em. He was on his way to take them to the guy who hired us when he..."

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  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 4 years ago

    When he...? C’mon Ricky, spit it out!

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