shapeshifter avatar

The Previous Owner #107


My phone started ringing as I left Mo's. It was my assistant Becky.

"Hello, Becky."

"Hey, Boss. You'll be getting the camera today. I overnighted it to you."

"Thanks, Becky. Have I given you a raise recently?"

"Not for six years, Boss."

"Well, when I get back...," I started stuttering my words to make it sound like I was losing the signal, " sure....ive....a soo...I get ba..."

"Nice try, Boss," she said as she ended the call.

I went back to the house as the delivery man was bringing my camera. I signed for it and took it inside.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 5 years ago

    Sorry, guys. I wanted to finish this tonight but we're having some severe weather at the moment. The power's flicking on and off. I'll get back to it tomorrow night and hopefully can finish it up.

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    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    Sorry to hear that Christopher. Over here we’re having uncharacteristic warm weather, hotter than Southern Europe! Fascinated that it’s so close to finishing. I can’t imagine what’s coming!😱

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    Christopher over 5 years ago

    Thanks, guys. Ditto about Fedelta

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