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Bourbon On The Rocks #248


“That’s unfortunate,” he said. “But you’re not going to shoot me, Randolph,” he said as he raised his arms out parallel to the ground. “I’m unarmed! And that’s the thing about you, Randolph. You’re a man of principle. And that’s what’s going to be your downfall. Because once I take care of the whores there will be no one left alive to accuse me of anything. Now put the gun down, Jake Randolph. You know you’re not going to shoot me.”

“You misjudged me, Diamond,” I said as I pulled the trigger and put a bullet right between his eyes…

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Well I for one am glad you plugged the weasel. As they sing in ‘Chicago’ “He had it coming, he had it coming!”

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