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Bourbon On The Rocks #226


I looked at Harrigan, “Thanks.”

He smiled, “It was a joy to know you, Jake Randolph, and an honor to serve alongside you in the war.”

We were just about to pass several stacks of steel and lumber.

“Speaking of the war,” I said, “remember Alsace?”

He grinned, “Now?”

“Now,” I said.

We both stopped and Diamond’s goons kept walking. We each elbowed one in the face and then darted for the stacks, Harrigan to the steel on the left and me to the lumber on the right.

I heard Cal yell, “You stupid idiots!” as Harrigan and I disappeared…

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    If you're reading this first you're not suffering from deja vu. I skipped one last night and had to delete this one and post the one that should've been in front of this one.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Sounds like you’ve been busy Christopher, and judging by the number you posted today, really busy!

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Well, I realize this has been dragging on a bit so I was trying to post it in large chunks.

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