shapeshifter avatar

Bourbon On The Rocks #221


There wasn’t much light but we could easily make out that this was a vast construction site, with multiple structures being built; single-story buildings as well as high rises. It looked like it was going to be an industrial complex in a couple of years. Harrigan and I had to make sure we weren’t buried in the foundation of this complex.

This would be a great place to play hide-and-seek. There were stacks of steel and lumber, portable metal buildings, cranes, bulldozers, many places to get lost in.

Maybe that would be our way out of this…

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I certainly hope so because I’m getting all goosebumpy here. 😧

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Thanks, Neville.

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