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Bourbon On The Rocks #215


“Now,” Harrigan said as he walked backwards to the bar, still holding the gun on Diamond and his men, “I’m going to phone you all a taxi, courtesy of the City of Los Angeles.”

Diamond grinned, “Copper, I won’t do a second of jail time and I’ll eat your badge for breakfast in the morning. You have no idea how high my influence stretches.”

“Yeah, I’ll risk it,” Harrigan said as he reached for the phone behind him.

I yelled to try to warn Harrigan as I saw Cal pop up from behind the bar but I was too late…

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Super...the return of Cal at just the right time. Wow, that guy must be truly fragilisticexpealidocious! Loving it! 😊

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    I had to read that twice before I got that pun! Thanks, Neville.

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