shapeshifter avatar

Bourbon On The Rocks #178


I knew I had to go in stages…

Stage one: Take a deep breath.

Stage two: Try to thrust my legs up as soon as I hit the water and detach myself from the stevedore’s hook.

Stage three: Use my free hand to get my other hand loose.

Stage four: Reach down and unwind the chain from around my ankles.

Everything was going fine until I got to stage four. I felt like Harry Houdini as I tried to unwrap the chain, but without the stevedore’s hook to hold me in place I just kept sinking right to the bottom…

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    I don't know if you would physically be able to thrust your legs up if you hit the water while hanging upside down, but that's not something I could research like most things, so I just went with it.

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