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Bourbon On The Rocks #134


An hour later, we were cuddling on the couch, dressed, dried and drained.

“Now,” she said softly, “why on Earth did you think something was wrong?”

“I broke into Paige’s apartment tonight to have a look around.”

“You know what’s surprising?” she asked. “The fact that I’m not at all surprised by that statement.”

“I’m trying to find out who killed her before the L.A.P.D. sticks it on an old friend of mine, who happens to be innocent.”

She smiled and said, “He’s lucky to have you going to bat for him.”

“Not if I keep striking out, he’s not.”

2 comments add one below

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    Steve McBrevity over 6 years ago

    Liked the ‘dressed, dried and drained’ expression.

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Thanks, Steve.

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