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Bourbon On The Rocks #112


“I was married, Jakey, about a year after I graduated. It was to a girl I dated in high school. We were really in love. We wanted to start a family. After a couple of years we still hadn’t had a kid. We both went to the docs and they said it was my fault and that I was sterile, but they didn’t know why. My wife withdrew after that. It was like if we couldn’t have children she just didn’t wanna be with me anymore. That hurt, ya know?”

I nodded. It was starting to make more sense now…

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    There seems to be a fertility motif in Drablr these days (Neville's wonderful ongoing series Fedelta is another), but I actually wrote this about two weeks ago.

    It just goes to show that great minds think alike!

    (The same thing happened with the word "shithole." I used that word in a drabble I wrote a couple of weeks before Trump angered so many people by referring to other countries by that word.)

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    That’s a nice turn to the tale, Christopher. I may even get to like Milton after all! It certainly seems to be a fertile area 🙂 and entirely coincidental. You must have been really pissed off when you saw that was the way my story was going too. Sorry 🤔

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    PS...thanks for the names check Christopher!

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    No need to apologize, Neville. I just didn't want you to think I was plagiarizing you! I actually searched for causes of infertility in men that were known back in the late 40s but I couldn't really narrow a specific cause down that I was satisfied with, so I just said they didn't know what caused it.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I wouldn't remotely have thought that you had plagiarised anything Christopher...and even if you had, I would probably have been flattered! :-)

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