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Bourbon On The Rocks #102


"I don't know what you want with Milton Dunn, but he's under my protection now. The next person you send after him will be mailed back to you in a cardboard box."

"I don't know who you are, you clown. But yer dead!" he said with a finality that let me know I had to remain on my toes.

I fired my pistol at a glass sitting on a table next to Diamond. It shattered as he looked like he did something in his pants that he probably gave up doing a long time ago.

I backed out the door...

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    I think I used that cardboard box line in another one of the Jake Randolph stories, but we'll just call it a "catch phrase."

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Like the reference to Diamond’s dirty protest! Someone was really in it, deep.

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Gives new meaning to the phrase "Scared the shit out of you," doesn't it?

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Sure does!

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