shapeshifter avatar

Bourbon On The Rocks #32


And they did. Once we got out into the starry night one of them grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face them. I didn't feel like sparring with these jerks so I kicked the one that grabbed me so hard in the balls that I think he spit up semen. He let out a groan and fell to the pavement. I didn't blame him.

The other took a swing at me that I dodged, and I came up under his chin with my fist so forcefully that I heard some of his teeth break. He fell back.


5 comments add one below

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    Steve McBrevity over 6 years ago

    Oh! How I winced when I woke up to read that. So graphic!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Great stuff Christopher. Jake on great form yet again...keep it coming please!

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Thanks, Neville. Much appreciated.

    Steve, Jake's had quite a few memorable fight scenes; tumbling with a guy off the back of a yacht into the cold Pacific Ocean; using a brass statue of Buddha to lay out a guy twice as big as he was; jumping into a moving airplane, kicking butt and then jumping out again after it was in the air.

    He's led quite a life here on Drablr.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I think Steve's got a bit of catching up to do, Jakewise. :-) Great winter reading Steve. Search Jake Randolph, I guess, as this is his fourth outing.

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Thanks, Drew :)

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