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Bourbon On The Rocks #19


I got up off the floor and started for the door. He jumped up.

"Wait, Jake! I'm sorry!"

I went back to my car as I could still hear Milton calling for me. I needed to do a little thinking and a little investigating before I was willing to throw in with Milton. I couldn't be guaranteed that what he would tell me would be the truth. So I needed to do some homework before I was willing to accept anything he said as truthful.

The first thing I needed to do was pay a visit to the Cherokee Club...

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    Frenchie over 6 years ago

    What is interesting, it is the relationship between Milton and Jake. Milton calls, Jake comes to the rescue. Nothing has changed much in all these years, despite what Jake wants us to believe, that he is in control of what he will do. When he previously said ''if he decided to help'', we knew he was in denial. He can't help it, he will help Milton. He doesn't realise that despite his distrust, he is already taking steps to clear Milton's name. Rest to see if Milton will play straight.

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Wow. That's an interesting take on it, Frenchie. Thanks for reading.

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    Frenchie over 6 years ago

    I am enjoying reading. :-)

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