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Jake Randolph Origins #225


One was named Leslie, the other was named Sadie. I was hoping one of those turned out to be Rivers' grandmother, although I figured she would've been dead by this point.

I ripped the page containing the ladies' names and addresses out of the phone book, stuffed it in my shirt pocket, and went to hail a cab.

There were small clusters of people gathered around and talking about a fire that had just taken place in the Sierra National Forest that killed four firefighters, ranging in age from 23 to 39.

I finally was able to catch a cab...

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    That was an actual event that happened in the Sierra National Forest right at the time this story is supposed to be set. It's not relevant to the story, but when I was researching Mariposa, California I read about that incident and thought I would include it to add a little realism into the story.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    When I read it, Christopher, and before I read your comment here, I was certain that you had researched it well and I was getting a (kind of obscure) history lesson! :-)

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