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Jake Randolph Origins #55


The city was suffering from hunger and a lack of firewood. The Allies were trying their hardest to alleviate these problems as best as they could, but everything was an utter mess.

Unfortunately, nothing could be done to alleviate my problems. I was having a hard time being back. My nerves were frayed, my stomach was in knots and my mind kept recalling scenes of the war. Battles I had been in were playing in my head like newsreel footage. I wanted to get my job done and get the hell out of that place as fast as I could...

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    Christopher almost 7 years ago

    That first line may seem a weird thing to point out (lack of firewood), but when I was reading up on the fall of Berlin at the end of the war, those were the two things that were singled out.

    The second paragraph was trying to intimate that Jake was suffering from PTSD before it even had a name. I wanted to avoid using the old term "shell shocked."

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    Neville Hunt almost 7 years ago

    Well researched, Christopher. Yes, I got the PTSD connection. My father and uncles who had served in WWII never spoke of it, probably because of similar experiences.

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