shapeshifter avatar

The Naked Beat


He turned back to Jeffrey, who landed a punch right on the henchman's jaw. His head was jarred slightly, but it didn't stop him from hitting Jeffrey so hard I think he was unconscious before he hit the deck.

Then he turned toward Rebecca. Big mistake!

I saw red as he started making his way toward her. I jumped to my feet and sprinted toward his back, jumping just before I got there. I was in mid-air as I hit him in the back and we went over the rail and plunged into the murky depths of the Pacific...

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Oh dear...that's not such a good idea, Jake. Your best best is to cut the henchman somehow and let the sharks do the rest, hoping they prefer Chinese food to American!

    Thanks for today's Jakefest, Christopher! :- )

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    D.M. about 8 years ago

    'Sorry, got a bit behind... looking forward to a binge read ( a Netflix experience on
    Drablr!) Happy to see the epic tale continues.

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    Christopher about 8 years ago

    Ha-ha! Thanks, Neville. Like I said before, I'm trying to wrap this up before I go on vacation, so the rest of the posts will probably be in big chunks.

    Glad you're back, D.M.

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