shapeshifter avatar


I stand on the edge of oblivion, toes protruding out over the abyss. Every beaten trail, every narrow path, every rocky road all navigating me to this point. My arms are outstretched, parallel with what's left of the ground behind me. My empty heart beats out of sheer habit, a hollow and somber percussive thump echoing in my burdened chest. I've fought my last battle, run my last race, shed my last tear, heard the last bitter truth.

I smile with defeat as I plunge myself over the precipice, my eager lips awaiting the cold and final kiss of nothingness.

7 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    Thank you, Drew. Been going through a lot lately and that just came out of me, the idea of losing your troubles by sinking into nothingness. After I posted it I realized it almost sounds like a cryptic suicide note, which wasn't my intention but yet it adds another dimension to it.

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    Thank you, Drew.

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    D.M. over 8 years ago

    'hoping the bottom of the abyss is a warm bed, a refreshing pool of water, or
    someone's arms. You've captured the edge where everyone stands at some point.

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    Well, D.M., I have a bed. 1 out of 3 isn't so bad, I guess. Thanks for reading.

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    Iarwain Olofsson over 8 years ago

    Very intense.
    I remember writing something like that (just longer).
    It's very satisfying, in its own way, isn't it?

    And I kissed it. Well, part of it, as I am back into being.

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    Thank you for reading, Aspen. That was a bad situation that I thought got better but it's since come undone. Oh well, nowhere to go now but up.

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    Peter Henderson over 6 years ago

    It's a drabble you read twice and think for a minute or 2 then see it as something we all end up at and have to resolve. Very dark.


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