shapeshifter avatar

Murder Is But A Memory


In a broken frame, behind a shattered piece of glass, was a photograph of Kerri with her arm around Vic Stane. Both had smiles, looking like the perfect couple. My heart sank. I half expected it to turn out that way, but seeing it there in black and white felt like a punch in the stomach. I pulled the picture out and flipped it over. On the back the words "Vic and Diana, 1949" were scribbled across.

Well, Kerri... I mean Diana, hired me to find out who she was, which I did. But I couldn't stop there. No way...

8 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. almost 9 years ago

    'Missing the humor of your former similes, but realizing that you are constricted by
    word length. I was ready for his heart to sink like something, or the punch in the
    stomach to feel worse than...Enjoying each drabble!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    I'm sure we can expect simile-rich episodes to come. In the meantime, I've got to like Kerri; I hope we don't find there's too much of a Stane on her character! ( sorry, sorry, sorry). Next episode please!

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 9 years ago

    Thank you, D.M. Sorry for the simile deficiency, but you're right, sometimes there needs to be some exposition and I just don't have enough space to elaborate like I want.

    Thanks, Neville. I appreciate your continued support. And I love your puns, although if Drew sees it I'm sure he's going to publicly admonish you!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    I can deal with a public pun hanging. The great thing with the drabble format is that it forces you to tighten up your text and the stepwise reveal of the story manages the reader. I think you do extremely well in holding our attention and making us slather for more. I can't see how many pages your 'book' has and therefore how long we have to wait for the denouement, which (unusually for me) doesn't bother me at all. I must take one of my short stories and try to serialise it...but I suspect that it would be best done with something written from scratch. Perhaps I'll try that instead :)

  • avatar

    D.M. almost 9 years ago

    I admire the serial writers on this site. It takes stamina. (Don't end this too soon,
    I'll be forced to watch repeats of the Sopranos!)

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 9 years ago

    You should definitely do a serial, Neville. I'd be very interested in that. You're a marvelous raconteur and to see that spread out in a continuing story would be wonderful.

    D.M., it's hard to gauge how much is left because it changed as recently as two weeks ago from the course I had been on, which was a different course from what I intended at the start. The narrative has almost developed a flow of its own and I'm merely the conduit delivering it!

    Thank you both for reading.

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    All emotions are beautifully expressed, love the plot and waiting for twists!

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 years ago

    Thanks, Verity.

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